Plants of Armenia

Astragalus schelkovnikovii: Red Data Book of Armenia
CR B 1 ab(i,ii,iii,iv) + 2 ab(i,ii,iii,iv) Category. Critically endangered species. It grows in the Ararat Valley, in the zone of intensive economic activity. The extent of occurrence and area of occupancy are less than 10 km2. The area of distribution is severely fragmented. It was not included in the first edition of the Red ...
2016-05-02 13:51:49
Silky Rosegill: Red Data Book of Armenia
Category. EN – Endangered. Brief description. Cap is from 7 to 25 cm across, which varies in colour from white to yellowish, yellowish–milky then light yellow– lemon–coloured. At first it is ball–shaped, then bell–shaped or semispread with a hillock. It is dry, velvety, consist hair–lik...
2016-04-29 17:02:08
Thimble Morel: Red Data Book of Armenia
Category. VU– Vulnerable. Brief description. Fruit bodies are up to 10 cm high, straight. Cap is 1–3 x 1–1,5 cm across. The upper part is light brown, the lower part is white, thimble–like, bell–shaped or egg–shaped, slightly wavy or folded with free margins. Flesh is thin, candle–like ...
2016-04-29 16:57:42
Summer Truffle: Red Data Book of Armenia
Category. DD – Data Deficient. Brief description. Fruit bodies are 2,5–10 cm across, brown, olive– coloured, black, globose or tuberous, fleshy, covered with large pyramidal warts (from 2–10 mm across). Flesh is white, yellowish or greyish, whitish, convolute with marble–like fibrilles, having slig...
2016-04-29 16:53:28
Cedrus Bolete: Red Data Book of Armenia
Category. CR – Critically Endangered. Brief description. Cap is from 9–12 cm across, yellow–brownish, mucous, pulvinate at first convex then flat. Young fruit bodies have folded margins. When mature margins are bumped. Flesh varies in colour from yellow–olive–coloured to light pink. Tubes are yello...
2016-04-29 16:49:59
Larch Bolete: Red Data Book of Armenia
Category. EN – Endangered. Brief description. Cap is from 3–14 cm across, brownish, brick– coloured, yellowish–lemon coloured or rusty. It is pulvinate, then flat, with wide hillock, mucous with remnants of volva which reaches up to the double ring. Internal part of the ring is mucous and the surface is ...
2016-04-29 16:46:34
Cone-shaped mushroom: Red Data Book of Armenia
Category. VU– Vulnerable. Brief description. Cap is from 5 to 15 cm across, ash–grey, greyish– brown, thick fleshy, at first globose, then flat, large, mouse–grey, imbricated, covered with large, thick, wart–like scales. Flesh is ash–grey, when cut blackens. It has no specific taste and ...
2016-04-29 16:43:59
Sarcosoma globose: Red Data Book of Armenia
Category. CR – Critically Endangered. Brief description. Fruit body is 3–12 cm across, spherical when young, dish–shaped, with thin margins. The surface is dark brownish, shiny, slightly wrinkled. Hymenium is black–brownish. Wet fruit body is colourless, watery with gelatinous content. Sometimes the weig...
2016-04-29 16:40:37
Wrinkled Peach: Red Data Book of Armenia
Category. EN – Endangered. Brief description. Cap is 4–8 cm, at first bright coral–coloured, reddish or apricot–pink, sided with folded edges/margins. The surface covered with gelatinous cuticle when moist. When dry it is achromatic, reticulate, wrinkled. Flesh is pink with pleasant apricot smell and bit...
2016-04-29 16:37:30
Desert Shaggy Mane: Red Data Book of Armenia
Category. VU– Vulnerable. Brief description. Fruit bodies are up to 25 cm long. Peridium is 3–6 x 1–3 cm, egg–shaped or ellipsoid. Exoperidium is scaly, usually falls when mature. Endoperidium is thin, the outer layer is white and leather–coloured, sometimes rusty, at first smooth, shiny or filamen...
2016-04-29 16:35:27
Oyster mushroom: Red Data Book of Armenia
Category. VU– Vulnerable. Brief description. Cap is from 5 to 15 cm across, white, yellow–grey, smooth or scaly, fleshy flat or convex, slightly excentric. Flesh is white with pleasant taste and smell. Gills are white with greyish colouring, shallow and wide, decurrent. Stipes 3–5 x 1–2 cm, whitish, hard...
2016-04-29 16:33:22
Nest Cap: Red Data Book of Armenia
Category. EN – Endangered. Brief description. Cap is from 3–10 cm across. When fresh it is crimson–pink or orange–yellow. Dry fruit bodies are yellow–brown, flat or convex, velvety. Flesh is slightly pink, yellowish, reddish–yellow. When dry it is white, with unpleasant smell and taste. Gills...
2016-04-29 16:31:06
Stinkhorn: Red Data Book of Armenia
Category. EN – Endangered. Brief description. Young, closed fruit bodies are from 3–4 cm across, white, ovoid, oval–shaped, sometimes spherical. Mature ones are large up to 30 cm long. Peridium is three–layered, the outer and inner layers are pruinose and smooth, the middle layer is gelatinous. Peridium ...
2016-04-29 16:28:11
Pepper pot: Red Data Book of Armenia
Category. CR – Critically Endangered. Brief description. Fruit bodies are from 2–10 cm across, greyish, spherical when young. Exoperidium is thick, scaly, splitting into 10–12 pointed rays/lobes. Endoperidium is spherical or flat on the top, greyish brown or silver glance, set on 3–5 mm long, cylindrical...
2016-04-29 16:22:57
Ravenel’s Stinkorn: Red Data Book of Armenia
Category. DD – Data Deficient. Brief description. Young fruit bodies are from 2–3 cm across, acuminate, egg–shaped. Peridium is yellowish, pruinose covers the fine white membrane under which the reddish or pink stipe is situated. Stipe is 5–10 cm long, 1cm width, reddish, it turns into acuminate capitulu...
2016-04-29 16:17:33
Dog Stinkorn: Red Data Book of Armenia
Category. EN – Endangered. Brief description. Fruit bodies are 3–4 cm across, oviform or egg– shaped when young. Peridium is white, tears into lobes. Receptacle is cylindrical, stuffed, spongy. Stipe is 10–15 cm long, 0,4–1 cm in width, orange–yellowish, surmounted by the narrow conical or re...
2016-04-29 16:14:42
Desert Inky Cap: Red Data Book of Armenia
Category. VU– Vulnerable. Brief description. Young fruit body is up to 3 cm across white, yellowish, subglobose. Peridium is membranous, when tears the stipe protrudes. Cap is from 1 to 6 cm across, yellowish, radially cracked, squarrose with lamelliform lobes. Gills are 0,6–0,1 cm, width, when mature black, crumbli...
2016-04-29 16:11:51
Giant Polypore: Red Data Book of Armenia
Category. EN – Endangered. Brief description. Fruit body is 0,5–0,8 m across, globose, consisting of numerous branched fan–shaped caps on short stipes, which are attached to convex, thickened bulbous main stipe. Caps are hemispherical, imbricate, fleshy. When dry it is woody, the surface is brownish or light b...
2016-04-29 16:07:18
Shaggy Parasol: Red Data Book of Armenia
Category. EN – Endangered. Brief description. Cap is 10–18 cm across, the colour varies from grey to brownish, brown in the centre, spherical, then hemispherical, cracked, covered with large, seldom scales. Flesh is white, reddens when cut. Gills are free, lanceolate, with colarium, at first white then redish. Stipe...
2016-04-29 16:03:22
Parasol mushroom: Red Data Book of Armenia
Category. EN – Endangered. Brief description. Cap is 4–10 cm across, white with dark colouring in the centre, at first egg–shaped. When mature it is umbelliform, the upper part of which is covered with triangled, white scales. The margins of the cap are fimbriate. Gills are white, crowded, free. Flesh is white...
2016-04-29 15:56:50
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