Armenian birch mouse: Red Data Book of Armenia

Jerboas, jumping mice and birch mice - Dipodidae
Status. An endemic species of small population. Listed in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species (ver. 3.1) as Endangered B1ab(iii). According to IUCN criteria categorized as Endangered EN B1a.
Distribution in Armenia. Only 9 individuals were recorded in the subalpine zone of the Pambak and Tsakhkuniats ridges, particularly near the Hankavan village at the site of junction of these ridges, on the outskirts of Kirovakan (now Vanadzor) town, on the Mt. Maimekh. The published records of the Armenian birch mouse in the Syunik Province were not confirmed.
Habitats. Subalpine meadows with high and dense herbage along the treeline at 2000–2200 m above sea level.
Biological traits. Almost unexplored. Feeds on greenery, seeds and fruits, sometimes can consume insects and drink water. Like in other birch mice, activity is likely nocturnal and crepuscular.
Population size and its trends. A rare species in need of research and conservation.
Major threats. Human activities in subalpine meadows, such as animal grazing, and climate aridization.
Conservation measures. Not protected. It is essential to set aside the birch mouse habitats as sanctuaries.