Erysimum lilacinum: Red Data Book of Armenia

EN B 1 ab(iii) + 2 ab(iii)
Category. Endangered species. Endemic of South Transcaucasia. The extent of occurrence is less than 5000 km2, the area of occupancy is less than 500 km2. It was not included in the first edition of the Red Data Book of Armenia. It is not included in the Annexes of CITES and that of the Bern Convention.
Description. Biennial plant up to 50 cm. Stems solitary, branched in upper half. Lower leaves obovate–oblong, on long petioles; middle cauline ones sessile, oblong, emarginated–dentate, covered with 3–5– partite hairs. Flowers violet, in rather dense inflorescence. Siliqua patent from the inflorescence axis, densely covered with multipartite hairs.
Distribution. In Armenia it grows in Zangezur ("Shikahogh" State Reserve) and Meghri (surroundings of Aygedzor, Lichk, Gyumarants, Agarak, villages Vahravar river gorge) floristic regions. EOO is 100 km2, AOO is 20 km2, the number of locations is 3. Besides Armenia the species grows in Nakhichevan.
Ecological, biological and phytocoenological peculiarities. Grows in middle mountain belt, at the altitudes of 1300–1600 meters above sea level, at forest edges, in open oak forests, among shrubs. Flowering from May to June, fruiting from June–July.
Limiting factors. Restricted extent of occurrence and area of occupancy, loss/degradation of habitats as a result of forestry activities and expansion of arable lands.
Conservation actions. One sub–population is situated in "Shikahogh" State Reserve. Necessary: monitoring of the population state.