Red–breasted goose: Red Data Book of Armenia

Ducks, geese and swans — Anatidae

Status. A rare casual migrant species. Listed in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species (ver. 3.1) as Endangered EN A2bcd+3bcd+4bcd. According to IUCN criteria categorized as Endangered EN A2bcd+3bcd+4bcd.

Distribution. The range covers the tundra and forest–tundra areas from the Yamal Peninsula to the Taimyr Peninsula. In winter occurs in the South Caucasus, Caspian Sea coastlines, Iran, Mesopotamia.

Distribution in Armenia. Recorded only twice in the Lake Sevan basin (28 January 1967) and on the Armash fish ponds (October 27, 1989).

Habitats. During the nesting season occurs in dry upland riparian sites located in tundra and forest–tundra. In winter it lives in grasslands, arable lands nearby the water bodies, or on lakes.

Biological traits. Nestles in colonies of 4–5 pairs, on riparian downhills covered with herbage and shrubs. Eggs are creamy with green–blue tint, 3–6/clutch, size 63–69 mm. Sometimes several females lay their eggs in the same nest, giving a total clutch of up to 50 eggs. The brooding period is 24–26 eggs. Hatchlings are looked after by both parents.

Population size and its trends. No information.

Major threats. No information.

Conservation measures. Listed in Appendix II of the Berne Convention. Protected in Sevan National Park. It is essential to estimate population size throughout a year.

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