Adonis wolgensis: Red Data Book of Armenia

CR B 1 ab(iii) + 2 ab(iii)

Category. Critically endangered species. Two sub–populations are known. The extent of occurrence and area of occupancy are less than 10 km2. The area of distribution is severely fragmented. The species faces decline of the extent of occurrence and the area of occupancy caused by changes in habitat conditions. It was not included in the first edition of the Red Data Book of Armenia. It is not included in the Annexes of CITES and that of the Bern Convention.

Description. Perennial herb, 15–30 (50) cm. Leaves 2–digitate– partite; lobes long, linear–lanceolate. Flowers solitary, actinomorphic. Petals yellow, oblong, 15–20 mm long.

Distribution. In Armenia it grows in Sevan (Artanish peninnsula) and Aparan (neighborhoods of Charentsavan) floristic regions. AOO is 8 km2, the number of locations is 2, the distance between which is 60 km. Besides Armenia the species grows in North–West and East Transcaucasia, Talish, Central and East Europe, West Siberia, North–East Anatolia.

Ecological, biological and phytocoenological peculiarities. Grows in middle and upper mountain belts, at the altitude of 1500–2300 meters above sea level, in mountain steppes, among tragacanth formations. Flowering from May to June, fruiting in July. Ornamental plant, which deserves breeding for gardening.

Limiting factors. Restricted extent of occurrence and area of occupancy, loss/degradation of habitats caused by anthropogenic factor.

Conservation actions. It is conserved in “Artanish” reservation zone of "Sevan" National Park. Necessary: monitoring of the population state; introduction into floriculture.

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