Platanus orientalis: Red Data Book of Armenia

EN B 1 ab (iii) + 2ab (iii)

Category. Endangered species. At present one sub–population is known, the largest plane grove in the Caucasus. The extent of occurrence and the area of occupancy are less than 500 km2. The species faces decline of the extent of occurrence and the area of occupancy caused by the changes in habitat conditions. It was included in the first edition of the Red Data Book of Armenia under Category 1: Endangered species. It is not included in the Annexes of CITES and that of the Bern Convention.

Description. High tree, up to 30 m, with dark grey bark. Leaves large, deep palmate–quinquepartite. Compound fruit globular, 2–2,5 cm in diameter. Fruitlets acute at apex. Very ornamental tree, often used in gardening.

Distribution. In Armenia it grows only in Zangezur floristic region, in the alluvium of the river Tsav and several individual trees occur in the neighboring forests. AOO is 25 km2, the number of locations is 1. Besides Armenia the species grows in Azerbaidjan, countries of the Mediterranean Sea basin, West and Middle Asia, Iran, Afghanistan.

Ecological, biological and phytocoenological peculiarities. Grows in lower mountain belt, at the altitudes of 500–900 meters above sea level, it forms groves and occurs also in oak forests. Flowering from March to April, fruiting from May to July.

Limiting factors. Restricted extent of occurrence and area of occupancy.

Conservation actions. The species is conserved in “Grove of plane– trees” of "Shikahogh" State Reserve. Necessary: monitoring of the population state.

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