Osprey: Red Data Book of Armenia

Ospreys – Pandionidae

Status. A threatened species of low numbers. Listed in the Red Data Book of the former USSR. Listed in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species (ver. 3.1) as Least Concern. According to IUCN criteria categorized as Vulnerable VU D1.

Distribution. The species inhabits Europe, Asia, North Africa, North, Central and South Americas, and Australia.

Distribution in Armenia. Occurs in the Lake Sevan shoreline areas, Arax riverside, and on natural and artificial water bodies in different areas.

Habitats. As an obligatory fish–eater, it lives near the lakes and rivers at elevations up to 2000 m above sea level.

Biological traits. Builds aeries mostly on trees or, seldom, on cliffs. Two to three eggs are laid once a year.

Population size and its trends. The population numbers 3–6 pairs. In 2008, 3 individuals were kept at the EARAZA zoos.

Major threats. Destruction of tall riparian forests, water pollution, use of toxic chemicals in agriculture. On the fish ponds of the Ararat Valley, ospreys can be regarded a vermin and persecuted by personnel and local people.

Conservation measures. Listed in Appendix II of the CITES, Appendix II of the Berne Convention and in appendices of the agreements "On protection of migratory birds". One pair breeds in Sevan National Park. It is essential to prohibit tree felling in the riparian zones, regulate the use of toxic chemicals in agriculture, set measures to protect the nesting sites and to raise local awareness. The osprey has been successfully reintroduced in some regions and this practice could be applied also in Armenia. It is important to increase the rates of fines for nestling removal and aerie destruction.

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