Booted eagle: Red Data Book of Armenia

Hawks and eagles — Accipitridae

Status. Listed in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species (ver. 3.1) as Least Concern. According to IUCN criteria categorized as Vulnerable VU D1.

Distribution. The species nestles in Northwestern Africa, Central Asia, France, India and Iran.

Distribution in Armenia. Occurs in almost all woodland areas.

Habitats. Nestles in broadleaf deciduous and mixed forests. Often preys in mountain grasslands.

Biological traits. Two eggs are laid once a year.

Population size and its trends. According to guesstimates, the population numbers 60–80 breeding pairs. In 2008, one individual was kept at the Yerevan Zoo and 9 at the EARAZA zoos.

Major threats. Direct persecution and poaching have been the principal threats. Fledglings can be affected by disturbance inflicted by plant gatherers and tourists. Possibly, agricultural use of toxic chemicals is also an issue. Recent spread of nestling removal and adult killing (for stuffing and sales) might have been an important factor of population decline.

Conservation measures. About 5 pairs have been breeding in Dilijan National Park, Khosrov Forest Reserve and Shikahogh Reserve. Given the small population size and imminent threats, it is essential to set measures to protect habitats, raise public awareness and to increase the rates of fines for aerie destruction and poaching.

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