Greater spotted eagle: Red Data Book of Armenia

Hawks and eagles — Accipitridae

Status. A vulnerable species of low numbers, in Armenia occurs mostly during migrations. Listed in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species (ver. 3.1) as Vulnerable VU C2a(ii). According to IUCN criteria categorized as Vulnerable VU C2a(ii).

Distribution. Distributed from Germany and the Balkan Peninsula to the Amur riverside, eastern Tien Shan Mts., Caucasus and Northwestern India. Winters in south–eastern part of the South Caucasus, Iran, Mesopotamia, India, Myanmar, Southern China and Egypt.

Distribution in Armenia. Occurs in foothills of mountain grasslands, mostly in the country’s north.

Habitats. During migrations prefers open landscapes – fields, mountain grasslands and virgin meadows, sometimes swamps.

Biological traits. During migrations can occur in flocks of other eagles.

Population size and its trends. No reliable information is available. Occurs in some places during the spring (April) and autumn (September–October) migrations. The population tends to decrease throughout the range.

Major threats. Low numbers, poaching, habitat destruction induced by human activities.

Conservation measures. Not specially protected. The species demands for urgent conservation measures. It is essential to widely raise public awareness about the importance of greater spotted eagle conservation.

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