Bromopsis zangezura: Red Data Book of Armenia

EN B 1 ab(iii) + 2 ab(iii)

Category. Endangered species. Endemic of South Transcaucasia. One sub–population is known. The extent of occurrence and the area of occupancy are less than 500 km2. The species faces extinction caused by the changes in habitat conditions in the result of climate change. It was not included in the first edition of the Red Data Book of Armenia. It is not included in the Annexes of CITES and that of the Bern Convention.

Description. Perennial herb forming a loose tuft. Stems erect, 60– 100 cm, at base covered with slightly splitted, brown external sheaths of dead leaves and entire, purplish–violet inner ones. Panicle slightly diffuse, 8–15 cm long, with few spikelets. Lemma with thin 7–12 mm long violet awn.

Distribution. In Armenia it is found in Zangezur and Meghri floristic regions (Bargushat, Meghri and Zangezur mountain ranges). EOO is 420 km2, AOO is 44 km2, the number of locations is 5. Besides Armenia the species grows in Nakhichevan, on Zangezur mountain range.

Ecological, biological and phytocoenological peculiarities. Grows from middle to alpine belt, at the altitudes of 1500–3200 meters above sea level, generally in sub–alpine meadows, on screes and in the steppe. Flowering from June to July, fruiting from July to August.

Limiting factors. Restricted extent of occurrence and area of occupancy, climate change.

Conservation actions. Part of the population grows on the territory of "Arevik" National park. Necessary: monitoring of the population state.

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