Astragalus montis–aquilis: Red Data Book of Armenia

EN B 1 ab(iii) + 2ab(iii)

Category. Endangered species. Endemic of South Transcaucasia. One fragmented population is known. The extent of occurrence and the area of occupancy are less than 500 km2. The species grows in the zone of intensive agricultural activities. It was not included in the first edition of the Red Data Book of Armenia. It is not included in the Annexes of CITES and that of the Bern Convention.

Description. Perennial, stemless, glaucous plants, up to 8 cm, covered with bipartite hairs. Leaves numerous; leaflets 5–10–paired, 2–6 x 2–4 mm, on the both sides, rarely from below, adpressed pilose. Peduncles slender, shorter than leaves, 2–8 cm long, 4–10–flowered. Corolla whitish; tip of carina with violet spots; flag 20–26 mm long. Legumes linear, slightly compressed, 12–24 mm long.

Distribution. In Armenia it grows in Yerevan (Urts mountain range, surroundings of Tigranashen and Zangakatun villages) and Darelegis (Khachik) floristic regions. EOO is 330 km2, AOO is 24 km2, the number of locations is 4. Besides Armenia the species grows in Nakhichevan.

Ecological, biological and phytocoenological peculiarities. Grows in upper mountain belts at the altitudes of 1600–2000 meters above sea level, on limestone slopes, in the cracks in the rocks. Flowering from April to May, fruiting from May to June.

Limiting factors. Restricted extent of occurrence and area of occupancy, restricted ecological suitability and global climate change.

Conservation actions. No conservation actions. Necessary: survey on population numbers and range, search of new habitats, monitoring of the state of the population.

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