Black–bellied sandgrouse: Red Data Book of Armenia

Sandgrouses - Pteroclididae

Status. A rare and vulnerable species. Listed in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species (ver. 3.1) as Least Concern. According to IUCN criteria categorized as Vulnerable VU B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii); C2a(i); D1.

Distribution. The species is spread from the Pyrenean Peninsula, North Africa and Asia Minor eastwards to the Turkish–Iranian border.

Distribution in Armenia. Occurs in semi–deserts of the Ararat and Armavir provinces.

Habitats. Lives in semi–deserts on relatively steep slopes.

Biological traits. Nestles on the ground. Eggs (2–3/clutch) are laid once a year or, if lost, laid anew. Feeds on greenery and seeds.

Population size and its trends. Available information is insufficient to judge about the population size.

Major threats. The population has been affected by overgrazing, disturbance inflicted during the nesting season by plant gatherers and shepherd dogs, and illegal hunting.

Conservation measures. Some habitats are protected in Khosrov Forest Reserve. It is essential to reconsider the grazing practices in semi–deserts. It is expedient to establish temporary safety zones or seasonal sanctuaries. It is also important to strengthen anti–poaching activities and to raise public awareness.

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