White-tailed lapwing: Red Data Book of Armenia
Plovers and lapwings - Charadriidae
Status. A rare species of very limited distribution in Armenia. Listed in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species (ver. 3.1) as Least Concern. According to IUCN criteria categorized as Vulnerable VU D1.
Distribution. Distributed from Central Turkey, Iraq and Iran eastwards to Pakistan and Northwestern India.
Distribution in Armenia. In recent times, recorded in colonies. The nesting sites are recorded on the Ararat Valley’s Armash fish ponds.
Habitats. Clayey and salt lands nearby the water bodies.
Biological traits. Migratory in Armenia. In nesting sites occurs from April to September. Nestles on the ground. Lays eggs (3, seldom 4) once a year in April – early May. The brooding period is 22–24 days.
Population size and its trends. The nesting sites are known only on the Armash fish ponds. The population consists of no more than 30–40 pairs.
Major threats. Small population size. Loss of suitable habitats because of human activities. Livestock grazing near the nesting sites. Poaching.
Conservation measures. Not protected. The species demands for urgent protection. It is essential to set stringent control over human and livestock access to nesting sites during the breeding season.