Golden eagle: Red Data Book of Armenia
Hawks and eagles — Accipitridae
Status. A vulnerable species of low numbers. Listed in the Red Data Book of the Russian Federation. Listed in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species (ver. 3.1) as Least Concern. According to IUCN criteria categorized as Vulnerable VU D1.
Distribution. The range is spread from the Pyrenean Peninsula and North Africa through the Middle East to the Caucasus and Iran.
Distribution in Armenia. Non–migratory. Distributed almost everywhere, but avoids large forest tracts.
Habitats. Open and semi–open habitats.
Biological traits. Nestles on cliffs. Preys in open landscapes – fields and meadows. Eggs are laid once a year, 1–2/clutch.
Population size and its trends. Most recent data show that Armenia is inhabited by 34–38 pairs. Juveniles make a relatively large portion of the population. In 2008, 7 individuals were kept at the Yerevan Zoo and 91 at the EARAZA zoos.
Major threats. Direct persecution has been the most imminent threat. The other threats are rapid development of the falconry market in the Middle East that provokes poaching for sales of home rearing and, on the other hand, insufficient control and low level of public awareness. Agricultural use of toxic chemical poses a jeopardy.
Conservation measures. Listed in Appendix II of the CITES, Appendix II of the Berne Convention and in appendices of the bilateral agreements “On protection of migratory birds” signed by Russia with the USA, India and Korea. Three to four pairs have been breeding in Khosrov Forest Reserve and one–two pairs reside in Dilijan National Park. It is essential to set measures in order to protect eagle habitats, raise local awareness, increase the rates of fines for nestling removal and aerie destruction, and to regulate the use of toxic chemicals in agriculture.