Montagu’s harrier: Red Data Book of Armenia

Hawks and eagles — Accipitridae

Status. A vulnerable species of low numbers. Listed in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species (ver. 3.1) as Least Concern. According to IUCN criteria categorized as Vulnerable VU D1.

Distribution. The global population is spread from Eastern Europe to Western Siberia, with some record sites scattered in Western Europe and the Caucasus.

Distribution in Armenia. Nestles only in the extreme north–west, during migrations occurs across most of the country. Most of individuals from the Armenian population build aeries within Lake Arpi National Park.

Habitats. Mountain grasslands.

Biological traits. The aerie is placed on the ground. Eggs are laid once a year, 2–6 (usually 3–5)/clutch. Preys in open landscapes on small mammals, birds, amphibians, reptiles and insects.

Population size and its trends. Available information is insufficient to judge about the population size. According to preliminary data, the population consists of 5–10 nesting pairs. In 2008, 7 individuals were bred at the EARAZA zoos.

Major threats. The Montagu’s harrier population has been affected by environmently harmful land use practices, agricultural use of toxic chemicals, illegal captures or killing.

Conservation measures. Protected in Lake Arpi National Park. It is essential to improve the existing practices of land use, ecological expertise and application of chemicals in agriculture, enforce measures against raptor stuffing and sales of stuffed birds, develop and apply the methods of taxidermist licensing, check the ways of dead raptors coming to taxidermists, and to strongly raise public awareness about these issues.

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