
5 Day Weather Forecast
In the Republic On the second half of the daytime and on the first half of the night of August 4-8 in northern regions short rain with thunderstorm is predicted. Northeast wind speed is 2-7 m/s, during the thunderstorm the wind speed may exceed up to 15-20 m/s. On August 7-8 the air temperature will go down by 2-3 degrees. ...
2016-08-03 17:22:01
Primer on ''Resource efficiency and cleaner production'' has been developed for ...
The Fifth RECP (Resource Efficiency and Cleaner Production) Stakeholder Conference financed by the European Union took place in RA Lori Region. The conference objective is to make progress towards reduction and utilization of wastes in small and medium-sized enterprises. RECP Project is implemented by United Nations Industrial D...
2016-08-03 16:27:54
Statement on the Mass Violation of Human Rights in the Republic of Armenia
TO: Vladimir Shkolnikov, Senior Human Rights Advisor for South Caucasus, UN OHCHR Juan Mendez, UN OHCHR Special Rapporteur on Torture Maina Kiai, UN OHCHR Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Assembly and Association Michel Forst, UN OHCHR Special Rapporteur on Human Rights Defenders Thorbjorn Jagland, Secretary General, Council...
2016-07-30 12:31:59
5 Day Weather Forecast
In the Republic On the first half of the night and second half of the daytime of July 30-31, August 2-3 and on August 1 in most regions from time to time short rain with thunderstorm is predicted. During the thunderstorm the wind speed may exceed up to 15-20 m/s. The Northeast wind speed is 2-7 m/s. The air temperature will n...
2016-07-29 12:24:23
Eminent Public Domain Recognized Over Land Areas in Davtashen Residential Areas ...
On 14 July the executive recognized the eminent public domain over a number of land areas of residential areas in Davtashen District. The process is carried out within the loaning agreement 'Sustainable Urban Development Investment Program Trenche- 2': the Asian Development Bank is providing 112.97 million USD.
2016-07-27 17:07:49
Drilling Works Launched in Qarqar To Investigate Geothermal Resource
Currently the investigation on the causes of the explosions occurred on 15 and 22 July at Alaverdi Copper Smelting Combine is in progress, which operates ACP Company, a part of Vallex Group Group Company, as Vallex Group PR Specialist Vahram Avagyan told EcoLur. 'In order to prevent such sort of wide-scale accidents, measures sh...
2016-07-27 14:00:00
Tree Treatment Works in Progress in Yerevan
Tree treatment works are in progress in Yerevan. As the Information and Public Relations Department of Yerevan Municipality informs, starting from 15 June several tree species have been undergoing treatment in the administrative areas of the capital using several medications. Different medications are used for flower areas. The ...
2016-07-26 15:34:56
5 Day Weather Forecast
In the Republic On July 25, 28-29 in most places, in the evening hours of July 26-27 mostly in northern regions short rain with thunderstorm is expected, during the storm wind speed may exceed up to 15-20 m/s. Northeast wind speed is 2-7 m/s. The air temperature won’t change considerably. In Yerevan In the evening hou...
2016-07-24 17:33:19
Earthquake Registered near Armenia-Georgia Border
On July 21, at 19:17, the RA MES Seismic Protection Survey Seismological Network registered a 4 magnitude earthquake in Armenia –Georgia border zone, 18km north-east of Dmanisi town. The tremor measured magnitude 5-6 at the epicenter area. The geographical coordinates of the epicenter are north width 41.390 and east leng...
2016-07-22 13:38:28
250 Ha of Territory Burnt Down Within 7 Days in Syunik
Within the last seven years the fire brigades and the employees of Zangezour Biospheric Complex, military servicemen and the locals dealt with extinguishing the fire burst out in Araqsashen community and "Arevik" National Park. As EcoLur was informed by the Ministry for Emergency States, around 250 ha was burnt down, out of whi...
2016-07-21 12:54:05
According to Nature Protection Ministry RA, Emissions 'Pure Iron' CJSC and 'Arme...
EcoLur has received an alarm signal from Yerevan resident that it's impossible to breathe air from from 21:00 p.m. to 01:00 a.m. because of the emissions by 'Pure Iron' CJSC and 'Armenian Titanium Production' LLC. 'On these hours an extremely heavy strink gest spread in the neighborhood, which leads to deteroriation of respirato...
2016-07-20 19:32:52
Fire in Arevik National Park Has Been Burnt Down Entirely
The fire resumed in Arevik National Park was extinguished entirely at around 10:28 on 19 July. As a result of fire burst in the area adjacent to Araqsashen Village around 250 ha grass-covered area has been burnt down, out of which 5 ha is located within Arevik National Park.
2016-07-19 18:38:38
5 Day Weather Forecast
In the Republic On July 20-22 no precipitation is predicted. On 23 in northern regions, on 24 in Lori, Tavush, Syunik and Artsakh short rain with thunderstorm is predicted. The Northeast wind speed is 2-7 m/s, during the storm the wind speed may exceed up to 15-20 m/s. On June 20-22 the air temperature will not change conside...
2016-07-19 17:31:38
1.66 Million AMD Damage Caused to Environment
The Nature Protection Ministry informs that from 11.07.2016–15.07.2016 the State Environmental Inspection detected violations during inspections it carried out, which resulted in drawing up 17 decisions on administrative fines in the amount of 1.4 million AMD, while the total damage caused to environment was estimated in t...
2016-07-18 14:57:36
High Concentrations of Arsenic Available in Underground Waters in Ashotcq and Ar...
There are high concentrations of arsenic in the underground water of Ashotcq and Armavir regions, as the project of environmental impact expert assessment and strategic evaluation of Akhuryan Water Basin Management Plan says. The project proposes to conduct a research monitoring to detect high concentrations of arsenic in the un...
2016-07-15 16:56:26
5 Day Weather Forecast
In the Republic On July 15-19 no precipitation is predicted. The Northeast wind speed is 2-7 m/s. The air temperature will gradually go up by 2-3 degrees. In Yerevan On July 15-19 no precipitation is predicted.
2016-07-14 17:30:07
21 Communities in Armavir Region Suffered from Heavy Hail
Last year around 69,000 shots were made from anti-hail stations, as 'Armenian State Hydrometeorological and Monitoring Service" SNCO Director Levon Vardanyan said at the weekly consultation held at Ministry for Emergency States on 11 July. He mentioned despite these measures the heavy rain and hail caused much damage on 10 July ...
2016-07-11 15:44:18
5 Day Weather Forecast
In the Republic At night and on the second half of the daytime of July 10-11 in most regions short rain with thunderstorm is predicted, in separate places hail is possible. On July 12-14 no precipitation is expected. Southwest wind speed is 2-7 m/s , during the storm wind speed may exceed up to 20-25 m/s. On July 13-14 the a...
2016-07-09 17:28:47
Dying Fish in Hrazdan River Already A Tradition
EcoLur has again received an alarm signal about the mass elimination of the fish in the Hrazdan River this time from Nazeli Vardanyan, Director of 'Forests of Armenia' NGO and Pan-Armenian Environmental Front: 'There are numerous dead fish in the Hrazdan River, in the section called Korea Gorge. Before our arrival, a part of the...
2016-07-04 17:45:02
5 Day Weather Forecast
In the Republic At night and on the second half of the daytime of July 5-9 in most regions short rain with thunderstorm is expected. In separate places hail is possible. Southwest wind speed is 2-7 m/s, during the storm wind speed may exceed up to 20-25 m/s. The air temperature won’t change considerably. In Yerevan I...
2016-07-04 17:27:08
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